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Top 8 Reason to learn angular Js

Angular Js is the most fascinate library in the modern web development. In fact it has some unique features that make this the choice of perfect web designers. It is not tough to diagnose the popularity and usefulness of it if we see why Facebook, Netflix, paytm etc big brands are relying on it.

In this article, we will describe why Angular Js is gaining popularity now days.

1. MVW – Model view whatever Model

Angular is framework that is used by modern programmers .The reason is designed to work with every other tool in an interconnected way with seam less manner. A Model is a JavaScript object that allows other models to work together in the nested architecture. The View is declarative it simply allows multiple Views per Controller.

2. Declarative UI

Angular uses HTML language for user interface. The declarative approach makes it easier for app development. This is simply a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). Angular JS simply let you define only what you want to be done and Angular JS will take care of the how it will happen.

3. POJO Data models

Data models in Angular JS are quite simple as it relies on plain old JavaScript objects (POJO) .This way no extraneous getter and setter functions needs to be included. Changing and adding properties is easy. Angular JS data models are based on cork board model. This cork board is a separate memory area to put and retrieve data fast. These models are called “scopes”.

4. Control Behaviour with directives

Directives are core part of angular Js. All DOM manipulations are performed by directives. Angular JS facilitates putting all our DOM manipulation code into directives. This make easier to change the behaviour of objects.

5. Filters are used for performing standalone functions.

Filters work with data transformations. Filters are so resourceful when data manipulation is needed like reversing the order of an array, filtering an array based on a parameter, or implementing pagination, all this can be done without writing extra java script code.

6. Less coding is required

MVC pipeline is not need to be written by developers. Angular Js uses HTML for view. Directives can use premade structures so minimal integration is required. Filters are already having inbuilt features so allow you to manipulate data if you need in your application. It all leads to less coding written by developers.

7. Service providers

Service providers synchronize with a server .This helps to maintain an offline data store to give fast acess to data. These service providers have methods to push and pull data to and from a server efficiently .These service providers also used to share the same resources with multiple devices.

8. Unit testing

Angular JS can perform unit tests. Unit testing is done by experimenting on sample data .This data is given to controller output and behavior then analyzed. In fact, this is an awesome feature of Angular JS as it has a mock HTTP provider to inject fake server responses into controllers for testing purpose.

These 8 reasons are really useful when you want to develop any web application with help of Angular Js. This article gives you clear idea about the strength of Angular. Why this is so powerful and useful.

top reasons to learn angularjs

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